didn't like the water play too much. without the piss it would be perfect
An Instant Hardener
Camilla truly is the hottest woman on screen and that's not just based on her being a no holes barred slut but with those looks, that killer body, the hilarious can do attitude and the naughtiest twinkle in the eyes....
You know, you could walk past Camilla in the street and never know she is such a fantastically talented performer. That’s not to say she’s unattractive or anything, just that you would never dream she could dress and service your needs as well as anyone you could ever hope to meet.
Das macht der heißen Dame so richtig Spaß. Am meisten geilt sie auf dass ihr Ehemann daneben sitzt und sich einen nach dem anderen abwixt weil es ihn so geil macht. Eigentlich wollte er das filmen und ins netz stellen odercseinen Freunden zeige