Marlena Rajnova's name Is Marleen van Rijn - de Rijp Common with Rembrandt Here in our mutual Holland As far as her double name Even two personae she is Lovely looking love-doll And agressive ama-zona (
Actress's Achrostichon Spells: "M I C H A E L A" Sees Proud Poet-PETER
Is Marleen van Rijn - de Rijp
Common with Rembrandt
Here in our mutual Holland
As far as her double name
Even two personae she is
Lovely looking love-doll
And agressive ama-zona (
Actress's Achrostichon
Spells: "M I C H A E L A"
Sees Proud Poet-PETER
Offers both sets of lips
Universal unique sucker
The terrific tasty teaser
Has another offer below
As soon as I see her hot
Nicely naughty thick twat
Dear daring darling doddy
My manhood stands stiff !
Open orifices on offer there
Under Miss Clitty she's open
Nice naughty intimate invite
Dear darling dare-devil Dod
Achrostic spells above:
Ponders Proud Poet-P